The fourth AXO-SUIT Project Meeting was held in Limerick, Ireland on 2nd-3rd November 2015. The meeting was host by University of Limerick. Partners from other orgnaiziations including the coordinator Aalborg University, University of Gävle, Welldana A/S, MTD Precision Engineering LTD, COMmeto and Hjälpmedelsteknik all came to the meeting.
The meeting reviewed the project status, particularly the status with the exoskeleton test rigs. The upper-body exoskeleton was manufactured following the previous project meeting in Gävle, Sweden. A plan for the lower-body and full-body exoskeleton was confirmed in the meeting. The fabrication of the lower-body exoskeleton will start soon.
The next project meeting is planned on 3rd-4th March at Aalborg University, Denmark.