Project Aim


The project brings together 3 universities and 5 companies active and experienced in R&D of assistive devices to specify the full-body personal mobility, reaching, and grasping requirements of elderly persons allowing them to continue managing their daily activities related to voluntary occupation (maintaining gardens or carrying groceries of more needy people) , as well as participating in local social activities while preserving their health and providing motivation to remain active and independent. Basic products comprising upper-, lower- and full-body assistive exoskeletons will be designed, developed, and validated.

Expected results

The AXO-SUIT integrates recent advances in assistive technology to study and design exoskeletons and to meet the challenges in helping elderly workers. The results will include novel exoskeletons consisting of modules to allow integration to realise prototype upper-, lower- and full-body assistive suits. They will comprehensively supplement the strength of elderly persons with effective and affordable exoskeletons and improve directly their quality of life.